5 Signs It's Time To Visit Your Dentist

Like most Americans, a busy schedule or dread of the dentist can keep us from much-needed routine visits. If you cannot remember the last time you were at the dentist, or think you may have waited too long for a visit, you are probably overdue for a check-up and proper teeth cleaning. For an experienced and reliable dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL, see Dr. Kimberly Parker of Tuscaloosa Family Dental.

5 Signs It's Time To Visit Your Dentist

If it has been more than a year since you last saw your dentist, it may be time to call for an appointment. Even if you do not have any oral health concerns, preventive dental care is essential, and routine brushing and flossing may not be enough to protect your teeth against unwanted decay and damage from everyday use.

Another sign that may indicate it is time to go to the dentist is tooth pain. Toothaches may indicate decay or worsening cavities that should be treated right away. Even if the pain resides after a few days, there may be an underlying infection at the root of the problem that will continue to progress if left untreated.

Inflammed gums, consisting of swollen, red, or bleeding gums, are another sure sign that you need to visit the dentist, as it is one of the first signs of gum disease. With early treatment, gum disease can be treated and reversed, preventing any further damage to your teeth and gums.

Other signs of tooth decay or cavities are white spots on your teeth and increased temperature sensitivity when eating or drinking. When there is an increase in bacteria in your mouth, white spots on your teeth can indicate that the bacteria has begun to eat away at your enamel, which could lead to infection. Similarly, pain and sensitivity to hot and cold occur can also be affected by increased bacteria in the mouth. As the bacteria progress from the surface of your teeth to the center where nerves are located, pain may occur as a result.

Lastly, if you notice any other changes in your mouth, such as discoloration, sores, bad taste, etc., it is important to let your dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL, know right away. While sometimes there is no cause for concern, other changes may be warning signs of new or progressing disease.

Call Your Dentist Today!

If you have any of the above signs and symptoms, it is important to schedule an appointment to see Dr. Kimberly Parker, your dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL, as soon as possible. Call Tuscaloosa Family Dental today at (205) 722-7550.

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Office Hours


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm




8:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm



