Implants Restore Your Teeth For Good

Dental implants are teeth replacement solutions that can give you the ability to smile brightly, speak more properly, and eat more pleasurably. Besides these, however, they help preserve your facial structure, enabling you to hold on to that youthful look for as long as possible.

Likewise, they’re the only tooth replacement solutions that can provide the function and appearance of real teeth. Here at Tuscaloosa Family Dental in Tuscaloosa, AL, Dr. Kimberly Parker utilizes dental implants for giving patients back their smiles.

How Do Dental Implants Restore Lost Teeth?

Dental implants offer a way of restoring lost teeth right down to the roots. Essentially, they replace or restore the missing tooth roots that were lost, along with your natural tooth. They provide a very stable foundation for the actual tooth restoration, which could be a dental crown or an implant-supported denture. The implant itself is a medical-grade titanium post that’s inserted surgically into the jawbone to serve as the replacement tooth’s roots.

Once your body accepts the dental implant and combines with your jawbone, the abutment will be connected to it, which in turn, will connect to the dental crown. And because the implant is crafted from titanium, you’re assured of a stable base for your dental crown.

How Do Dental Implants Benefit You?

  • Implants feel and look just like your natural teeth. Likewise, since they’re developed to gradually fuse with your bone, they help preserve your bone structure and prevent your face from sinking in and making you look years older than you really are. In turn, this will help boost your self-esteem.
  • Other tooth replacement options could make eating difficult and come with certain food restrictions. But because implants work like natural teeth, you can eat virtually anything without any discomfort and worry that you’ll damage the implants.
  • Aside from food restrictions, other tooth restorations can also make speaking more difficult and cause you to slur or mumble when talking. Since implants are permanently fused to your jawbone, they won’t affect your speech at all.
  • A dental implant does not require a reduction of the adjacent teeth, which means that your real teeth will be left untouched.
  • With proper care and maintenance, which must include an effective oral care routine and regular visits to your dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL, your dental implants can even last your entire life.

Contact Us To Find Out More About Dental Implants

Set a consultation with your dentist in Tuscaloosa, AL, Dr. Kimberly Parker here at Tuscaloosa Family Dental by calling (205) 722-7550.

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